Sunday, July 17, 2011

Little sibs in the 'hood.

This evening I am entertained by the sounds of my loved ones playing Settlers of Catan.  Brian, Donovan (bro, 14 yrs.) and Olivia (sis, 12 yrs.) are all camped out in a circle on the living room floor.  Dinner is served.  Dogs have circled.

For the first time since I’ve started Square Piece, my siblings have finally gotten to hear some of the stories.  They’re so lucky to have a live reading!  And I’m so lucky that after they giggle and snort and throw themselves over in stitches, that they then applaud me with the snapping of their fingers.

In addition to Settlers of Catan, we’ve taught them a few other things this weekend:

·         How to play Egyptian Ratscrew

·         What the word ‘hood’ means in the context of ‘from the hood’

·         How to engage people with broad questions (instead of the kind of questions that belong in an interrogation scene on a crime investigation show)

·         How an iRobot Rumba works

·         That vigorous exercise after a pancake breakfast is a bad idea

·         That lime juice enhances tuna salad (in addition to a few other ingredients)

·         What Tourette Syndrome is

·         How to walk dogs with authority

·         That dogs are mentioned in the Bible (this made Olivia happy)

·         How to make ‘h’ sounds with worlds that start with ‘w.’  For instance, World Peace Salad is Hwhirrled Peace Salad

·         What it means to banter

Do you know that I have the sweetest little brother and sister in the world? 

Donovan would never want to inconvenience anyone; therefore he absolutely never insists on his own way.  So selfless.

Olivia is so sweet with our animals and with the way she loves to be a little helper.

And did I mention that my other little bro, Joey, almost 24 years old, called me today and gave me some advice regarding an internal dilemma that I had?  For a while there I really felt like his little sister.  Kinda wished I could have reached through the phone and hugged him.  (When will they come out with that technology?)

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